How to Add Explicit or Clean Tags in iTunes with Mp3tag (Windows)

If you’re a music enthusiast who prefers to keep their music library well-organized, having correct metadata tags is crucial. iTunes is a popular choice for managing music on Windows, but sometimes the tags may not be accurate or missing important information such as explicit content labels.

One way to enhance your music tagging experience is by using Mp3tag, a powerful and free metadata editor for audio files. Follow these steps to add explicit or clean tags to your music in iTunes:

  1. Download and Install Mp3tag: Start by downloading Mp3tag from the official website and follow the installation instructions.
  2. Open Mp3tag and Import Your Music Files: Launch Mp3tag and import the music files you want to edit by clicking ‘File’ > ‘Add directory…’.
  3. Edit the Metadata Tags: Select the songs you wish to add explicit or clean tags to, right-click, and choose ‘Extended Tags’.
  4. Add the Explicit/Clean Tag: In the extended tags window, look for the field related to ‘Explicit’ or ‘Clean’ tags and input the appropriate value (e.g., yes/no).
  5. Save Your Changes: After adding the tags, click ‘OK’ to save the changes to the metadata.
  6. Refresh iTunes Library: Open iTunes, go to ‘File’ > ‘Library’ > ‘Import Playlist’, and select the updated music files to refresh the library.

By following these straightforward steps, you can ensure that your music collection in iTunes is accurately tagged with explicit or clean labels. Take control of your music library’s organization and enjoy a seamless listening experience with properly tagged files!